Friday 7 September 2012

This week’s recipe is fish in foil.  It is my own version of The Fishmonger Restaurant's delicious Fish in foil.
4 hake fillets
1 green pepper
1 can of Tomatoe puree
1 onion
1 block of Feta cheese per  fish parcel

Make 4 individual foil parcels to cover the fish fillets. Cut up the green pepper into bite size pieces. Place a fish fillet on each one of the four  foil parcels. Cover it with some tomatoe puree, onion and green pepper.  Put in 1 block of feta cheese into the parcel with the fish and other ingredients.  Close the parcel bake in the oven at 180 degrees Centigrade for 30 minutes.  Meanwhile boil some rice.  When the fish is cooked place the rice on a plate with the fish in foil.  Bon appeti.

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